Sunday, 26 August 2012

Doggy Big Day Out

My pal Bailey invited me to the Doggy Big Day Out today. It was so much fun! So many stalls, shows and heaps of dogs.

Look greyhounds! Should I go over and say hello?


There was an agility demonstration and afterwards I was allowed to have a go!

I didn't really like the tunnels or hurdles but I loved the boards. Except when certain pups hold me up...

Hurry up!

There was a cutest puppy competition that I wanted to enter but I had to be under 1 years old. Can you believe this dog was allowed to enter?

He was apparently 11 months old... but I'm not so sure.... he was 95 kgs!!! And Mum worries about MY weight? Bailey and I should have just entered anyway... it's not like anyone was checking our birth certificates. Although, I'm so cute it would probably have been unfair to the others.

I met a Chihuahua called Taco.

He was cute. But not as cute as Bailey. I even got a goodbye kiss from Bailey today. Some of you will know that Bailey has not exactly been enthusiastic about kisses from me... until now!

My best pal Bailey. Isn't he gorgeous?

I also had my teeth checked by a dental vet and a pet massage. And the best thing about today... well apart from the kiss from Bailey.... look at the freebies and showbags I got.

Mum says she has claimed the piggies... since they actually fold out into bags and aren't toys I guess that's ok.

Time to go home.

Thanks for inviting me Bailey. Looking forward to our next outing.

It's been a Big Day.


  1. Awww Gem! You're such a cutie! Mummy and I love reading your Blog.

    I think we missed out on all the goodies though. We only got about 4 free treats. I think we missed out since we had to pick up my Aunty.

    Looking forward to seeing
    you tomorrow :) Mum brought me some perfume so I should smell great tomorrow

  2. Wow Gemma, you did have a lot of fun. No wonder you were so tuckered out by the time you got home. Was Mima allowed to go too?
    Love Billy xxx

  3. You go so many interesting places. I wish Mr Woof would go out somewhere for the day.
    Mr Bumpy Cat
    on Mum's account.
