Wednesday, 4 April 2012

No frogs or Kinder Eggs...

It's been a difficult week at our house. There is so much going on at the moment. We're moving house, going on holidays, and we also found out that we won't be getting any eggs at this time.

I don't understand why. Even Mum and Dad don't know why. The special egg just stopped growing.  We've all had leaky eyes and I've been giving Mum heaps of cuddles.

Mum and Dad are going to another country tomorrow morning which is why I'm on holidays at my Grandparents who live near the beach.

It's not as bad as we all thought it would be. I've had heaps of distractions here.... kids to play with, people to entertain, walks on the beach, so I haven't had time to miss Mum and Dad too much.

I think they miss me though. Ok, if I'm being honest I miss them very much. But I'm making the best of the situation because I have to.

We all have to do that don't we? Make the most of what we've been given and appreciate what we have. Sometimes we have no control over what happens.

It doesn't stop us from hoping though.

Just like I keep hoping that Grandpa and Grandma realise that my bed doesn't belong in the bathroom! I'm a big bed puppy. I love snuggling under the doona. Maybe in a couple of days....

1 comment:

  1. Hai Gemma,
    Iz glad u had a nice howliday - the beach is fun fur doggies... I go in the car fur howlidays but I don't like the beach.
    Yur right u know
    "Make the most of what we've been given and appreciate what we have. Sometimes we have no control over what happens."
    But, keep hoping... don't give up on yur dreams. Hopefully yur mum & dad iz all refurreshed frum thr howliday & u can all start again on yur chickn purrojekt.
    I'm purrayin it wurks out fur ya all, meanwhile don't furget to give yur mum lotsa snuggles,
    Isa xox
